Participation in the Editorial Body of Education Thinking

I am willing to referee manuscripts for Education Thinking*

I am willing to referee manuscripts for Education Thinking*

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Data protection

I give my consent for the processing of my data for the purpose of collaborating with Education Thinking. I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time by simple email request to:*

I give my consent for the processing of my data for the purpose of collaborating with Education Thinking. I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time by simple email request to:*

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Personal information

Salutation (Dr., Prof., ...)*

Salutation (Dr., Prof., ...)*

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First name*

First name*

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Middle name (if you want it to be mentioned)

Middle name (if you want it to be mentioned)

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Last name*

Last name*

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Link to your website (where readers can obtain information about your work)*

Link to your website (where readers can obtain information about your work)*

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Main email address*

Main email address*

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Please confirm your main email address*

Please confirm your main email address*

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Secondary email address*

Secondary email address*

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Please confirm your secondary email address*

Please confirm your secondary email address*

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Topic coverage
Please indicate from one to six subjects that best match your areas of expertise.

Select your first area of expertise*

Select your first area of expertise*

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Select your second area of expertise (if any)

Select your second area of expertise (if any)

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Select your third area of expertise (if any)

Select your third area of expertise (if any)

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Select your fourth area of expertise (if any)

Select your fourth area of expertise (if any)

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Select your fifth area of expertise (if any)

Select your fifth area of expertise (if any)

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Select your sixth area of expertise (if any)

Select your sixth area of expertise (if any)

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Review frequency

Please indicate the maximum number of manuscripts that you would accept to review.*

Please indicate the maximum number of manuscripts that you would accept to review.*

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